April 2024

Capsules, percolators, Italian coffee makers... Whatever you use to make a good cup of coffee, do as our grandmothers did, and never throw away the coffee grounds! It's a 100% natural, ecological, and economical goldmine, with countless uses and benefits.


Beauty and cosmetology: The benefits of caffeine in fat removal have long been known. Highly concentrated in caffeine and used as a poultice or scrub, coffee grounds work miracles as an anti-cellulite and orange peel skin treatment. Mixed with vegetable oils (argan, sweet almond...) and sometimes yogurt, it's a natural exfoliant that purifies the skin, gives it radiance, and can erase dark circles. It can also neutralize the free radicals responsible for skin aging. An ally of oily skin and hair, it can "suck out" excess sebum. Added to day cream, it becomes a self-tanner, and a natural colorant if added to shampoo.


At home: coffee grounds are an invaluable ally, capable of neutralizing just about any unpleasant odor, from the fridge to the dustbin, not forgetting the smell of cooking or tobacco in the room. It removes garlic, onion, and fish odors from hands. Thanks to its tiny grains, it's a natural stripper that can be used for everything: degreasing pans, scrubbing worktops, shining, cleaning fireplaces and even maintaining pipes and toilets.


Garden: gardeners have been using coffee grounds for a long time now. Rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, coffee grounds - if they are diluted with water to reduce their acidity - is an excellent 100% natural fertilizer that also enriches compost. Roses, hydrangeas, strawberries, tomatoes, camellias, azaleas, lawns, and green indoor plants all love it. Its strong scent scares away mosquitoes, ants, slugs, wasps, fleas from the house and pets, and even cockroaches, which are attracted by its scent. Combined with citrus peelings, it can also scare away cats who mistake your garden for their litter box.


Cuisine: even the greatest chefs know the benefits of coffee grounds, a powerful flavor enhancer. It goes perfectly with chocolate or is sublime as an infusion in desserts, such as panacotta and other creams. Once dried, coffee grounds can also be used as a spice on their own, or in combination with other spices, to season meats, and fish or to enhance the taste of root vegetables. The Japanese even ferment it for several months to make an exceptional condiment: shoyu.